Welcome to Under The Covers, a space created by Ashae Sundara. Written for lovers and leaders... the souls willing to “go first.”

Be a part of a growing community who values the mask taken off + devotion served from bottom up.

Below you’ll find an introduction, an invitation, and what to expect from being here.

Introduction to under the covers

Sink your soul in- Under The Covers- to find my raw and real stories, teachings, and contemplations on sex and intimacy, career, and body-mind wholeness.

I’ve been writing, coaching, and mentoring women for 9 years now, and it’s my passion to support the creatives of the world as they succeed in purpose and in the journey of the heart.

My work is an extension of my practice and prayer with life.

You can read more about why I started the Substack below.

Hey, I’m Ashae 👋

Hi lovie. My name is Ashae. I’m a ‘7-figure high-achieving boss-babe type’ turned devotional woman
 who now moves in my creations and life from a place of integrity to the goddess first. When I met my now beloved, everything in my life changed in the direction of truth; I collapsed most of my offerings + simplified my business and life to be in resonance with my soul, my budding desire to be a mother, and my body.

I’ve worked with 1000’s of women throughout the last decade as they’ve come to know themselves as worthy, wealthy, and free to love
 from the deep.

This Substack will get a combo deal of my stories and writings on sex, intimacy, leadership, vitality, success, and embodied awakening.

Why join the membership?

After almost a decade of writing and sharing my work online for free, I’ve come to 3 distinct realizations:

  1. My deepest work can’t be free because it’s meant for eyes of respect and curiosity
 not the vast wide internet sphere. Yeah, we’ll talk about it: the internet can be a cruel place. What I’ve learned from getting burned (witch trial kind of stuff, folks!) is that my depth isn’t for everyone to consume- it’s so so sacred! Because transparency is one of my deepest values, I’ll say it like it is.. sugar-coating nothing. And that kind of vulnerability is sure as hell not for the eyes of the people who don’t actually value seeing it!

  2. I’m a big fan of deleting, muting, or letting go of accounts, emails, and influencers who are like noise in your feed; and instead having the handfuls of people that are the ones you trust coming in to your field. Energetic boundaries are so important for creatives
 but really *everyone* because letting in just anything you see online can be truly harmful. Think about it: every day you scroll and welcome in even the few seconds of people whom you end up comparing yourself to, getting sucked into their world and their reality. This can be a beautiful thing at a certain phase of life, getting inspired by the 100’s or 1000’s of people you follow. But at a certain time, you’ve gotta fly out of the nest and come into the sovereignty of who exactly you choose to be influenced by
 instead of letting everyone in.

  3. You get the most out of Under The Covers when you join as a paid subscriber. I believe we receive the truth of something when we invest our energy into it, so really
 it’s for you. Very rarely, I will send out a free article, but 100% of the sex stories are for paid subscribers; this is important for the energetic boundaries I maintain for my beautiful partnership. But don’t worry, you can always join for a month and if it doesn’t feel in alignment, you can cancel your subscription super easily!

Here’s how I get to love you

Since The Substack is fairly new
 the schedule of creativity is still under works, and I’m figuring out how to serve my audience best.

For now
 you’ll likely get definitely 1
 maybe 2 articles weekly.

They’ll be either a steamy (or surrendered) sex story, a teaching or musing on something I’ve been contemplating, or a thread: which will be a shared moment of my life and a question for you to engage with.

You’ll get an email when a new article is published, so you won’t need to worry about checking the page religiously, although it wouldn’t hurt either. 😉

Why I started the Substack

When I first started using Instagram back in 2014, it was all fun and games. Creative expression and serving the world; my heart was happy. But then
 after time
 my posts started getting shadow banned. I couldn’t use the words ‘sex’ ‘tantra’ ‘pussy’ ‘cock’ or even ‘fuck’
 and you know
 a woman devoted to the depths of love needs these words and more. The freedom I once felt from sharing online started to collapse. No nipple photos of course, but also no side boob, sometimes no lingerie. My work started to get attacked by people who used my marketing as fuel. Over time, I began to become drained and exhausted by all the hoops I needed to jump through.

On Substack, I’ve found my devotion alive again.

Plus, it’s super sexy to feel this space as a body of work that will continue to grow and impact. I’m ready for my legacy to be off social media and in the real real.

from a recent boudoir photoshoot, this album was definitely not instagram friendly

What I mean by “under the covers”

Under the covers aka

  • devotion to truth + the 5 layers underneath the tip of the iceberg

  • the root of desire, trauma, healing, and wholeness

  • transparency of process and purpose

  • the kind of sex stories nobody’s telling

  • intimacy with this community

  • not “being a brand”, but a raw, real human being

Professional Bio:

Ashae Sundara is a somatic tantra facilitator, intimacy coach, purpose mentor, and the founder of Turned On Woman. It’s her mission to help women and couples live a life of expansive freedom and embodied bliss. Ashae has changed the lives of thousands of women in her programs, which unravel the contractive tension toward relational receptivity, financial power, and ecstatic wholeness. Those who work with her learn from her deep devotion to embody the art of sacred intimacy and passionate polarity as a leader and a lover.

Website: ashaesundara.com

Instagram: @ashaesundara

Subscribe to Under The Covers

Honest articles on a life devotional to eros + aliveness.


Raw writings + letters delivered from a go-get-it boss babe turned devoted practitioner of the deep feminine. Interested in ripping off the masks we wear, living in right relationship, + letting God lead.